Thursday, March 24, 2016

Why I Love My Wedding Ring

So, I have this beautiful ring on my finger and sometimes I just stare at it. I can't help it. It's gorgeous! Lately it has me thinking about all the things it means to me and how much I really treasure it.

I could go on for days with reasons why I love this ring, but I decided to share just 5 of them.

1 | Memory
We bought this ring, along with my husband's beautiful, Koa ring, on our recent trip to Kaua'i. It was one of the best vacations that I never dreamed of going on. When we bought the ring at the jewelers we got to do the ceremonial choosing and opening of the oyster… the whole deal. Awkward for my introvertedness, but so much fun! My ring will forever be a memory of an amazing trip that my husband and I got to share with each other, our kids and my family. I never want to forget the time that we spent there and I am so thankful to have this beautiful reminder sitting on my finger daily.

2 | Want
This ring is everything I've ever wanted AND my husband helped me find it! It was one of those times that he knew me better than I knew myself. Right when the jeweler had me try it on (it fit perfectly by the way) we both knew it was "the one." First of all, it's main feature is a pearl. Pearls have always been my favorite! I've never been much of a diamond kind of girl. Now, I obviously won't pass up diamonds when given to me, but it wasn't my first choice. Besides, the ring has 2 small diamonds, so I get both! Also, the pearl just happens to be my favorite shade! In some lighting it's more pink and in others it's darker, like violet. Lastly, the ring is made of rose gold, which I absolutely LOVE! Bonus, we bought it for less than we budgeted for. Praise the LORD.

3 | Need
I needed a wedding ring. When I say "need" I mean like "first-world problems" need or emotional need. Of course I don't have to have a ring to prove that I'm married, but it is a really big deal to me. My wedding band has been broken for almost two years now. It was devastating to me. I hated not having one, but I knew that I didn't want to waste money on "just a ring" so I decided to wait for the right one. For a long time I just wore whatever rings that would fit, but there wasn't anything special about those rings. They were intended for other purposes or were rings that were passed down to me. They weren't from my husband, to me, symbolizing our marriage. Also, I never had an engagement ring. We got married quickly and I was okay with it. I never complained about not getting one. Little did I know how much of an emotional need it really was for me and how fulfilling it would be to finally get one. When I first got to wear this ring around, I was ecstatic! I still am! I don't even like taking it off when I'm showering or cleaning. I'm obsessed!

 "I hold my marriage deep in my soul and will strive for it and in it all the days of my life."

4 | Commitment
One of the reasons why my ring means so much to me is because it symbolizes my marriage. My marriage is sacred to me. The commitment that I made to God and my husband on our wedding day is one of the most important decisions of my life, second only to salvation. I hold my marriage deep in my soul and will strive for it and in it all the days of my life. Being married has been one of the greatest blessings I have ever received. It has drawn me closer to my husband and to God. Plus, I get to spend the rest of my life with my best friend… who just happens to be super attractive.

5 | Re-commitment
While our marriage has seen many times of great joy, it has also seen much heartache. There have been many struggles in our life and marriage that could have easily driven us apart… and some did for a little while. But we have always set aside pride, changed what needed to be changed and re-committed ourselves to one another. More recently, we have been going through one of those seasons of re-commitment; having to choose to love, forgive and trust. Love and marriage has always been a choice and it always will be. Sometimes that choice has been easy and sometimes not so much, but it has always been worth it! My wedding ring is a simple, visual reminder of that choice. A reminder that I needed and am grateful that the Lord provided. 

I love my husband and I love being married! We are constantly growing and learning. I believe any point in a marriage can be like the "honeymoon" phase and we've embraced that recently. We have reignited our love and affection for each other. We have continued to choose each other and to love deeper. It has left me ridiculously giddy and utterly "twitterpated."

Monday, February 22, 2016

Breastfeeding is Hard

Can I just be real for a moment?
Nursing, exclusively breastfeeding, is hard work.
There has been a point in each of my nursing journeys that I started wishing that it could come to an end. GASP! I know, right? I must be crazy.
Don't get me wrong, I love my kids and I love providing them with what they need. For us, breastfeeding has always been the best choice because I knew that I could do it, no matter what. BONUS, it's free (Thank the Lord because he knew we needed that.)! It has been such a blessing in more ways than one, but nursing is no joke! It has been extremely difficult for me. Especially this time around.

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Father's Day Revealed : What True Love Looks Like

     I am blessed beyond measure and beyond what I deserve. The work and growth that the Lord has done in, and through, my husband is amazing.
     Ten years ago, he probably wouldn't have expected to get married when he did, let alone be a father of 4 at age 25. I'm sure he never anticipated being the father that he is and I know he never could have prepared for losing a child. Regardless of the plans and expectations he may have had, he has committed to growing in whatever situation God has placed him in.
     Words cannot express my love, gratitude, pride and respect for my man. He is constantly putting others before himself, sacrificing his time (including going to work on Father's Day), and he is teaching me, and our littles, to do the same. 
     Just as Christ did not come to be served, but to serve (Matthew 20:28), we should learn to serve others in the same sacrificial way. My husband has given our family one of the best examples of that servanthood -- a Father's Day tradition that he started two years ago. It inevitably leaves me with all the feels and in tears (of joy). 


     He sits us down, one-by-one, starting with the youngest and ending with me, his wifey. He tells each of us things he loves about us and ways that he is proud of us. He also makes a commitment to speak our "love language," to show us love in different ways as we individually need. He then proceeds to wash each of our feet.

     Some of you may be thinking that it's weird, disgusting or degrading, but let me tell you what it means to us. 


     He has decided to lay down his self-seeking pride to love and serve others. It is such a beautiful picture of the love that God has for us. It's an act of service that Christ himself performed for his disciples and encouraged us to do for others.
        When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. "Do you understand what I have done for you?" he asked them. "You call me 'Teacher' and 'Lord,' and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher have washed your feet, you also should wash one another's feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them. -- John 13:12-17  

2O15 E X P E R I E N C E

     This year's Father's Day was looking extremely different for us with our youngest being in the NICU (because she decided to come 3 months early), but that didn't stop Dean from pursuing his tradition.
     We had no idea what that day was going to look like or if we would even be able to have our kids together. The Lord has blessed us with a hospital staff that is, not only tolerant, but encouraging. We were able to continue with the tradition, despite our daughter being hooked to multiple machines and our youngest son not being allowed in her room. We were given an exception, just this once, for "religious reasons."
     It was as beautiful as it always has been and I was able to snap a few pictures this year.